
Tuesday 28 October 2014

First Teeth, First Crawl, First Unsupported-Sit

Finally you can crawl! 

I saw you that day, you were just like a little paratrooper coming in to land. 
Your arms, your legs, i saw them splayed out. 
Looking at you moving on your tummies, nothing reminds me of but a commando. 
You did all on your own, adik. 

Gearing up
It was October 25th, at your seven months of age. 
I saw you vigorously pushed up onto your tiny hands and knees, you rocked backwards, rocked forwards, just like the song your kakaks sing:

"You put one hand in, 
you put one hand out, 
one hand in and 
shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, 
you do the hokey pokey and turn around, 
everybody turn around"

Watch me go, kakak!
October 26th, again, you bloomed my lazy Sunday morning with your first teeth! 
I record your milestone here, adik, so that you will have those memories. 

And it doesn't stop there, adik. After lunch time, we were surprised to see you sit on your own!

Ok adik, you can watch the world go by for now.

Clap! Clap! Clap! That's my boy...

You do things all on your own, at your own pace and in your own time. 
This is a true you, but you have us here to encourage you. 

Keep up all the good works, adik. More missions have to be accomplished

I'm proud of you, adik. 

You got them, three in a row!



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