Salam everyone.
We have tried various food on Abdullah to recognize allergy kalau ada. So far, he can not tolerate jagung. Tiga kali dia makan corn puree, dia jadi cranky bila nak tidur. Sakit perut rasanya. Bangun pagi tu, dia membuang banyak masa mandi. Kesian.
Carrot, pumpkin, potato, cauliflower, peas, beef, rice, wheat, apple, papaya, spinach, chicken. Setakat yang i cuba ni, semua well-tolerated. In fact, bukan those food yang buatkan his eczema getting worse. Tapi heat. Cuaca lampau panas, dia dapat heat rash. Cuma kalau rashes tu nampak patchy-patchy, i sapu sikit hydrocortisone cream.
Rice dah cuba twice. I buat rice porridge tapi still i blended the porridge until superfine. Dr.Khairul @AnnurPaed bagitau, rice porridge seeloknya blend juga sebab baby masih boleh choked.
Latest, i prepared chicken pasta for him.
Chop chicken breast (i guna setengah ketul).
I peeled sebiji carrot (malas nak chop, lagipun kalau guna peeler ni the output will be thin and cepat lembut).
Then campur sikit pasta (cadang nak guna macaroni tapi habis pula, yang ada di rumah ketika tu cuma spaghetti - ok, it will do anyway).
Terjunkan semua bahan ni dalam boiling water.
Salt is a big no-no ok. Rebus sampai semua ingredients lembut.
Tinggalkan sikit baki air untuk blend nanti.
Then blend semua sampai halus.
Pack dalam small container and freeze.
I kongsikan sedikit tips yang i dapat dari Dr.Khairul tentang solid food for babies ni.
Foods which are least likely to cause allergic reactions; rice, pear, apple, prune, carrot
- to be introduced from 6 months.
Foods which are usually well tolerated, but occasionally cause allergic reactions; barley, apricot, beef, wheat, plum, spinach, cabbage, oat, banana, chicken, peach, broccoli, lamb, turnip, potato, cherry,corn
- to be introduced from 6 months.
Foods which are most likely to cause allergic reactions; berries (strawberry & raspberry), egg yolk (must be fully cooked), legumes (soy beans, beans), fish
- to be introduced from 9 months.
Foods which are highly allergenic; seafood (prawn, crab, scallops), peanuts, egg white
- to be introduced from 12 months.
Remember, proper feeding is of utmost importance in preventing allergies. That's why we should avoid strongly allergenic food for the first year. Jangan lupa this important rule - four days rule, introducing one new food at least for four days. It will help us to recognize those not-well-tolerated food.
Ok, nak tempek gambar hero Malaya ini.
Ni semasa i brought them along ke my office. Cantik tak our kid's corner? Sangat selesa for mommies yang terpaksa bawa kids ke office. My two girls were really excited. Dan episod buatlah-macam-rumah-sendiri pun bermula ...
Ok, babai!
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