My little Abdullah turns two! Yeayyy!
Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal. So sekejap masa tu berlalu. I still remember how dizzy i was after giving birth to him. Muntah pat lima kali due to epidural intake.
Syukur Ya Allah, for another year in his life. Bless him with all Your warmth and care, ya Allah, bestow upon him good health and wealth, and fill up his days with loads of love, joy and happiness, and grant him a good life, Ya Allah
24 months. Goodbye 23 months, 22 months, 21 months. No more counting his age in months dah. He is two years old. Going to be three next year, four, the year after that, five, six .... and that's the way we count his age now. 2 years old. I have to admit that he's no longer a baby. He is a little man instead. Everyone adores his smile sebab ada lesung pipit. The apple of everybody in this house's eyes. Active and cheeky little man. Huaaa!!! You are growing up so fast, Abdullah. Growing up such a smart and handsome and brilliant. Enjoys running, jumping, climbing, riding - boys will be boys, that's for sure.
But more so than anything else, it is a milestone for me! Indicator that i am growing old..... gracefully (taknak kalah!) Bhahahahh! No matter how many birthdays come and go, he will always be my little boy. Enough to make me always feel young!
Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal. So sekejap masa tu berlalu. I still remember how dizzy i was after giving birth to him. Muntah pat lima kali due to epidural intake.
Syukur Ya Allah, for another year in his life. Bless him with all Your warmth and care, ya Allah, bestow upon him good health and wealth, and fill up his days with loads of love, joy and happiness, and grant him a good life, Ya Allah
24 months. Goodbye 23 months, 22 months, 21 months. No more counting his age in months dah. He is two years old. Going to be three next year, four, the year after that, five, six .... and that's the way we count his age now. 2 years old. I have to admit that he's no longer a baby. He is a little man instead. Everyone adores his smile sebab ada lesung pipit. The apple of everybody in this house's eyes. Active and cheeky little man. Huaaa!!! You are growing up so fast, Abdullah. Growing up such a smart and handsome and brilliant. Enjoys running, jumping, climbing, riding - boys will be boys, that's for sure.
But more so than anything else, it is a milestone for me! Indicator that i am growing old..... gracefully (taknak kalah!) Bhahahahh! No matter how many birthdays come and go, he will always be my little boy. Enough to make me always feel young!
No one celebrates birthday without a cake, so Kak Maryam insisted to buy one for him. So did Kak Mardeyah. Mommy complied and drove them to the nearest Secret Recipe to get ones. Being soooo excited that the little brother turning two, kakak had prepared the birthday card a few days earlier, put the mommy in a clueless mode - the adik tu alphabets pun belom kenal! Apatah lagi nak membaca!
There, my boy!
Birthday cake is nothing for him, of course! Belum understand pon lagi what a birthday is all about. He even doesn't appreciate the value of a piece of cake yet. Above all, the only thing that he can recognized very very well is, the cutter!
Now you leave me confused kakak, are you pretty sure the card is really meant for birthday?
Hi, how are you? Long time no see...
Hi, how are you? Long time no see... was a good effort, kakak. You did organize the b.i.h.r.t.d.a.y bash very well! Cake, candles, card and gift! Way to go, girl!
This caterpillar train priced RM49, she had two ringgit in her purse, so where did she got another 47 ringgit? Soalan teka teki ni...jawab..jawab...
That night ended with Maryam asking us to make a surprise birthday bash for her on the 29th. Eh, anak sapa la ni main order je surprise birthday party... *sigh*
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