Salam semua.
We just started semi solid food
on Abdullah. Yes, he is not six months yet but according to my experience during
Maryam and Mardeyah, they had their first semi solid food in their five++. Mommy
give discount, ok!
Before deciding to start solids
on him, I did some research (intelligent la konon…) on how to identify whether
he is ready or not. Google is the guru, puan-puan.
Here are some signs that your
child is ready to try solids:
1) He can sit up with support and can hold his
head and neck up well.
~Abdullah has a good head control, he’s able to keep
his head in a steady upright position. Even though he’s not ready for a
highchair, he’s able to sit upright with the help of bumbo seat. That will do
2) His birth weight has doubled.
~He has significant weight gain. His birth weight was
3.25kg, meaning that he should be at least 6.5kg when he reaches six months.
But his current weight at his five months is 7kg. Ok boy, that will do…
3) He’s interested in what you’re eating and
may even try to grab food from your plate.
~Yes, yes. He shows curiosity about what we are
eating. Eyeing our plate, reaching for the spoon, all he can do to get sympathy
from us. Kesian…ok, boy. Let’s finish the checklist!
4) He can keep food in his mouth rather than
letting it dribble out.
~Chewing motions. Baby's mouth and tongue develop in
sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food
to the back of his mouth and swallow. Abdullah has started to swallow
efficiently as i noticed less drooling.
5) He shows signs of being hungry for more
than he’s getting by clamoring for more when his bottle is empty or wanting to
nurse more often.
~He always seem hungry, and I think it is a sign of
growing apetite.
No.1 checked!
No.3 checked!
No.4 checked!
No.5 checked!
Passed with flying
So I went to Manjaku to look for
feeding set, bottled baby food, teething biscuits and what not. Five years ago I
bought Heinz bottled baby food for Maryam. Dua tiga flavour je according to her
liking. So this time pun I had that in plan. But this mommy of three ended up
with buying little silicon spoon and teething biscuits but not the bottled
Why? Firstly because I notice there’s no halal logo on it. Secondly, I doubted
the ingredients they use. How can they keep that puree in a bottle for months without
freezing it? So I keep in mind to prepare
homemade puree for him - fresh baby food, made at home with lots of love.
His first puree was papaya puree. There was a ripe papaya in the fridge given by Oma last week, sweet and juicy. So I just
lenyekkan (no water and sugar added) and sieved so that the output is superfine
for the tiny mouth and stomach. And then stocked up the remainder in the
freezer for another three days.
Weekend tu I ajak my partner to shop
for groceries. This super excited mommy bought fresh pumpkin, carrots and
potatoes. Root vegetables are known to have a naturally sweet taste. So they
are perfect for puree baby food – orang tua pun suka. Orange fleshed veges
like carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin are rich in beta carotene - the
vegetable source of vitamin A which is important for growth, fighting
infection, healthy skin and hair. Hopefully my little boy membesar bagaikan
And i sempat lagi tu
membelek-belek blender. It was my intention at the first place to buy a new blender as I don’t
want the smell from the blender affects the taste of my made-at-home-with-lots-of-love
puree. Macam-macam jenis ada, personal blender – comel jer, boleh buat jus and
terus minum dalam bekas tu sebab cantik macam tumbler. Glass blender –
practical to avoid uninviting smell. Avent blender and steamer – way too expensive, costed about
RM430, but easier (for a first-time-mom) to use. Itu naluri hati.
Anyway, based on my experience,
Maryam and Mardeyah were on their finely-blended semi solid food up to eight-nine
months je. After gigi nak tumbuh, they preferred textured rice porridge and
solid food yang dilenyek kasar-kasar, without blending it.
And my Moulinex, can simply be
de-odorized using liquid cleanser for feeding bottles. After cleansing it,
i shake once using hot water. Memang effective, no harsh chemical is needed here,
So, being a rational wife, after considering these two
factors, I had cancelled my plan of getting a new blender. *Jimat duit laki i*
Sampai rumah, I stepped into the
kitchen and rolled up my sleeves to prepare the said made-at-home-with-lots-of-love
puree. Yeayyy!
Cooking veges in a steamer
is one of the best ways of preserving nutrients. Kalau rebus, its nutrient akan
keluar ke airnya. I use single ingredient to begin with – to identify the
allergies. Later can start mixing the veges.
Chop the veges into small
Put in a steamer set over boiling
water and cook until soft and tender.
Blend the vegetable to a puree
using some of the liquid from the bottom of the steamer (sikit je air untuk
bagi blade tu functions well, later on juice dia pun akan keluar juga).
Carrot Puree
Sweet Pumpkin Puree Spoon a little puree into your baby’s bowl and serve lukewarm. Pour the remainder into small size covered containers and freeze (can last up to three months – sama frozen EBM). |
Betul, kalau kita google cara
orang buat puree for babies ni, ramai will advise us to buy ice cube tray, baby
puree tray, steamer cum blender, semua-semua must-have items. Please jangan
rigid ye. Siapa-siapa yang tak punya semua tu, jangan menangis, jangan putus
asa dan terus malas nak prepare home-cooked puree for your baby.
I believe, homemade baby puree ini
mengatasi segala over-the-counter bottled baby food because it is made with
100% love. Suatu yang mudah tapi sangat signifikan!